
Sara Dobbie (EIC) is a fiction writer from Southern Ontario, Canada. Her work has appeared in various journals and zines around the net. She loves books, music, and going to the beach. Follow her on Twitter @sbdobbie.

Amy Zimmerman is a writer and bookseller living in upstate New York. Her reporting and criticism has appeared in Rolling Stone, Pitchfork, and The Los Angeles Review of Books, among others. Her recent creative work can be found in Gigantic Sequins, Fourth Genre, and Hayden’s Ferry Review.

Jessica Vance (Contributing Editor) is a writer from the coast of South Texas. Having recently graduated with a BFA in broadcast journalism, Jessica is now fortifying her path to telling stories in every avenue of her life. Her work can be found in Ashamed Magazine, Antifragile zine, FilmDaze, and Black Femme Collective.

Cameron Finch (Contributing Editor) [Cam/she/they] is a writer, editor, community arts member, and tree kin, based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Cameron’s writing appears in various places including The Adroit Journal, The Common, CRAFT, Electric Literature, Isele, Michigan Quarterly Review, Tiny Molecules, and The Rumpus. Find out more at ccfinch.com.

Previous Editors include Ashley Jeffalone, Rick White, Connor Harrison and Kelsey Ipsen. Tiny Molecules was founded by Kelsey Ipsen.


Jeanine Skowronski is a writer based in N.J. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in X-R-A-Y, Lost Balloon, Five on the Fifth, (mac)ro(mic), Complete Sentence, Crow & Cross Keys, Lunate Fiction, and Fewer than 500. She placed 2nd in Reflex Fiction’s 2021 Winter Flash Fiction Competition.

Amber Isaacs (she/her) is a queer writer and reader based in Edinburgh, Scotland. Her work has been featured in the little living room magazine. When not writing, she is reading, and averages 200 books per year. She lives with two guinea pigs, 4 rats, and occasionally her partner.